Saturday, November 2, 2019

AL 3 CRJ 520II Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

AL 3 CRJ 520II Response - Essay Example Current research suggests drug court programs and juvenile programs, which include therapeutic, educational, and family components, appear to be effective in recidivism reduction (Drake & Miller, 2009). According to research, cognitive-behavioral programs often lead to positive outcomes. These positive outcomes are expected to result in a 6.9% recidivism reduction (Drake & Miller, 2009). With regards to high risk offenders, Lipsey and Landenberger (2005) found smaller sample size, attendance monitoring, intervention adherence, and mental health professionals characterized the research and demonstration programs. Positive outcomes were reported. Researchers further suggest positive outcomes are depended upon the quality of the cognitive-behavioral program provided. Perhaps implementing adult treatment programs that resemble juvenile treatment programs will prove to be effective. First, I would receive feedback from citizens in my home state in order to get a general consensus. I would hold a town hall/community meeting in large/key jurisdictions. I would invite key players to speak including county jail and state prison officials, individuals who specialize in offender treatment programs, probation officers, correctional officers, a budget analyst, and a few rehabilitated inmates who have benefited from treatment during and after confinement. In addition, I would also invite family members of inmates to speak regarding the effectiveness of rehabilitation. Of course this seems a bit over board, but we are discussing an issue that affects everyone in the state. My speech: We are all aware that crime rates fluctuate. Some research and statistical data contend crime rates have dropped. Yet some research and statistical data contend crime rates have increased. In addition, throughout this country including this state, we have witnessed an increase in incarceration rates, without any plausible

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